Judging Welsh Ponies and Cobs


Welsh Pony & Welsh Cob

Educational Information


Casmaran Welsh Cobs and Cross Creek Welsh Ponies


Denise Loeffel 973-875-7677 or crosscreekwelsh@gmail.com

Judging the Welsh Pony and Welsh Cob


Protect the Welsh Pony and Cob Breed Standard by President Roger D. Van Cleve


WPCSA Judges Evaluation Form

You can get the WPCSA Judge Evaluation form from the WPCSA Office, or from the officials at a show.

It is so important that you submit an evaluation form after EVERY show you attend, for competent and incompetent judges. When the WPCSA Board of Directors does not receive Judge Evaluation Forms, it does not take complaints seriously. This is the only way we exhibitors have to make a difference to who is considered competent to judge our WELSH breed and performance classes.

Information for Judges click below:

Equine Color Genetics by D. Phillip Sponenberg, DVM, PhD  -  Articles, Information, Opinions


Type, Conformation, Movement







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